Want to WIN a bunch of unreleased Tonic goodies PLUS next months Craft Kit? All you have to do is comment below, telling us the name of your favourite Cyber Week launch and why. Good Luck!
The competition ends Friday 3rd December at 4pm GMT / 8am PT. Winner will be announced in the LIVE on Friday on Facebook & YouTube.
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We will never ask for your bank details to enter a competition. Please report the page immediately if you are asked to enter your bank details. You can also email us to let us know about any fake accounts attempting to steal users details.
My favourite has got to be the new memory book, it’s so beautiful & regal. For me I think it lends itself to old pictures & letters from my family tree, which I would love to do a memory book of, so that the young members of the family will know who was who when they’re old enough to show an interest in the family tree.
Wow what a lot of awesome new launches but for me the best one is the eternal memory book wow didnt think memory book dies could get any better thankyou Tonic sorry bank account lol
The New Memory Book dies are looking amazing and so are the mystery die bundles so many choices and excellent value for money Thank you Tonic x
Love the new releases
Jeg syntes det nye sejler stmp og die sæt helt vidunderligt og den måde det er demonstreret på overbeviste mig at måtte eje.
Har købt så meget denne måned må stoppe nu til efter jul tror jeg og lege med magasin bøger stempel osv købte også pingvin sætter elsker det og neganusnme kort elsker allerede. Håber at vinde lidt så det ikke er så dyrt. 😀Og fristende, og lige før lønning dag.
Må vente på jeres helt vidunderlige blomster måneds kit. Transport er blevet meget hurtigere kun 8 dage super flot. Tak håber december kit kommer hurtigt først på måneden.