Want to WIN a bunch of unreleased Tonic goodies PLUS next months Craft Kit? All you have to do is comment below, telling us the name of your favourite Cyber Week launch and why. Good Luck!
The competition ends Friday 3rd December at 4pm GMT / 8am PT. Winner will be announced in the LIVE on Friday on Facebook & YouTube.
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We will never ask for your bank details to enter a competition. Please report the page immediately if you are asked to enter your bank details. You can also email us to let us know about any fake accounts attempting to steal users details.
I just got the cyber memory album maker and I also ordered the mega bag of surprise (can’t wait to get all of those goodies) and because of all of the tonic dies I get on the Wednesday deals I bought the storage books. I’m so happy and excited to see what’s next. I just love Tonic ❤️
I love all your cyber items and wednesdie and weekend specials. I would have all your dies and embellishments if I could! I love everything you guys design and I think tonic dies are stunning, solid constructions with practical uses.
Thank you tonic!
After getting lovely things in my mega bundle I am excited about the memory book as I now have lots of products to embellish it with. I am excited because I want to use it to make gifts for Xmas. Thanks for an amazing week so far! Nigel x
Eternal Moments My Memory Book collection. A stunning addition to the series. I love it.
Bastelset Weihnachten finde ich einfach super kann mann viel mit machen